How To Develop A Prayer Life
Created from "How To Develop A Prayer Life" Sermon by Pastor Jonathan
Day 1: The Presence of God
Read: Exodus 33:7-11Devotional:
Moses' relationship with God was extraordinary. He spoke with God "face to face, as one speaks to a friend." This intimate connection with the Divine is what we should all aspire to. Today, reflect on your own relationship with God. Are you seeking His presence above all else? Remember, like Moses, we should desire God's presence more than His promises. Pray for a heart that longs for God's company, not just His blessings.Day 2: Dying to Self
Read: Luke 9:23-26Devotional:
Jesus calls us to "take up our cross daily." This means dying to our selfish desires and ambitions. The pastor emphasized that God will trust us with whatever we've already died to. Consider what areas of your life you're still clinging to. Are there idols in your heart that need to be surrendered? Ask God to help you release these things, trusting that His plans are better than your own.Day 3: Seeking God's Face
Read: Psalm 27:7-14Devotional:
Like Moses who asked to see God's glory, we too should desire to know God more deeply. Our greatest prayer should be, "Lord, show me your face." In a world full of distractions and temptations, it's easy to lose focus on what truly matters. Today, commit to seeking God's face above all else. Spend time in quiet contemplation, asking God to reveal more of Himself to you.Day 4: The Power of Prayer
Read: Matthew 6:5-13Devotional:
The sermon stressed the importance of developing a consistent prayer life. Jesus taught His disciples to pray and emphasized the significance of private communion with God. Evaluate your current prayer habits. Are you making time to be alone with God? Remember, prayer is not just about asking for things, but about building a relationship with your Creator. Challenge yourself to spend more time in prayer, even if it means sacrificing other activities.Day 5: Living for God's Glory
Read: 1 Corinthians 10:31-33Devotional:
The ultimate goal of our lives should be to glorify God in everything we do. This means valuing our relationship with Him above all else, including our ministries or personal achievements. Reflect on your motivations. Are you seeking to please God or to gain recognition from others? Ask God to help you live a life that truly reflects His glory, prioritizing your relationship with Him above all else.