Let God Make It Good
Created from "Let God Make It Good" Sermon by Pastor Jonathan
Day 1: The Power of Humility
Read: Matthew 5:1-3Devotional:
Jesus begins His Sermon on the Mount by emphasizing the importance of being "poor in spirit." This isn't about material poverty, but rather a humble awareness of our spiritual need. When we recognize our own shortcomings and dependence on God, we open ourselves to His grace and kingdom. Today, reflect on areas where you might be relying on your own strength rather than God's. Ask the Lord to cultivate a spirit of humility in you, making you more aware of your need for Him than the faults of others.Day 2: The Healing Power of God's Word
Read: Psalm 19:7-11Devotional:
The transcription emphasizes the importance of praying Scripture and allowing God's Word to be a source of healing and transformation. Like medicine for our souls, the Bible provides wisdom, joy, and guidance. Today, choose a verse or passage that speaks to a current struggle or need in your life. Spend time meditating on it and praying it over your situation. Ask God to make His Word alive in you, bringing healing and renewal to your mind and heart.Day 3: Cultivating Meekness
Read: Matthew 5:5, Micah 6:8Devotional:
Meekness is often misunderstood as weakness, but it's actually a form of strength under control. Jesus promises that the meek will inherit the earth, showing the high value God places on this quality. Meekness involves humility, gentleness, and a willingness to be taught by God through life's circumstances. Today, consider a challenging situation you're facing. Instead of complaining or trying to force your way through, ask God what He might be teaching you through this experience. Pray for the strength to respond with meekness and trust in His guidance.Day 4: The Richness of Mercy
Read: Ephesians 2:4-7, Luke 6:36Devotional:
God is described as being "rich in mercy," and we are called to emulate this aspect of His character. Showing mercy to others not only reflects God's nature but also opens us up to receive mercy ourselves. Today, identify someone in your life who needs mercy – perhaps someone who has wronged you or someone struggling with a personal battle. Pray for them, asking God to help you extend His mercy and compassion. Consider a tangible way you can show kindness or forgiveness to this person, trusting that as you do, you're participating in God's merciful nature.Day 5: Unity in Worship
Read: Hebrews 12:22-24, Revelation 7:9-12Devotional:
The transcription reminds us that when we worship, we're joining not just with those physically present, but with all believers throughout time and even the angels in heaven. This perspective can transform our approach to corporate worship. Today, as you spend time in personal worship, imagine yourself joining with the great cloud of witnesses mentioned in Hebrews. Let this expand your vision of God's greatness and the unity of all believers. Pray for a renewed passion for worship in your life and in your church community, recognizing the power of unified praise to bring God's presence and break down barriers between people.